difference between java and javascript - ReYep
Execution Environment: Java code is typically compiled into bytecode, which can run on any device with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This provides platform independence and makes Java highly portable. JavaScript, however, is primarily executed within web browsers. It is interpreted by the browser's JavaScript engine and can access and manipulate elements on a web page, interact with the Document Object Model (DOM), and make asynchronous requests to servers.

Libraries and Frameworks: Java has a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks that offer a wide range of functionalities for various domains, including Spring, Hibernate, Apache Struts, and JavaFX. These frameworks provide solutions for web development, database access, dependency injection, and more. JavaScript also has a rich ecosystem with popular libraries and frameworks like React, Angular, Vue.js, and Node.js. These frameworks focus on front-end and full-stack web development, enabling the creation of interactive and scalable web applications.

Runtime Environment: Java requires a JVM to run its compiled bytecode. The JVM provides memory management, garbage collection, and runtime environment for executing Java applications. JavaScript, on the other hand, relies on the JavaScript engine built into web browsers. Each browser has its own JavaScript engine, such as V8 in Google Chrome and SpiderMonkey in Firefox, which interprets and executes JavaScript code.