uncertainty principle - ReYep
Quantum mechanics principle introduced by Werner Heisenberg in 1927.

He says that we cannot simultaneously measure the velocity and position of any particle with infinite precision. The more precisely we know one, the more uncertain the other.
In order to know the position of an electron, you will inevitably throw light on it while trying to see it. Light falling on the electron will disrupt its momentum. After all, you'll never be able to find your previous position without trying to track it. When you watch it, its momentum will be changed. You will choose either one.
There are three parts to this event. tells that time-energy, momentum-position and angle-angular momentum pairs cannot both be measured and known together.
From here, the subject is connected to the electron cloud. Since it has become impossible to know the location of the electron. So what will happen to this tiny electron ? We start to talk about the probability of the electron being at a certain point in the electron cloud at a certain moment.
Contrary to popular belief, the uncertainty principle has another meaning, which is explained by the wave function and may be even more important when combined with Einstein's teachings, apart from the fact that the measurements must include "a certain uncertainty": according to this, the narrower the domain of a particle and the shorter the range, the energy of that particle. hence its mass must increase by that much; narrowing the position causes the wave function to fluctuate, increasing the fluctuation increases the speed, speed increases the kinetic energy, and energy increases the mass. (see: wave function) (see: emc2) The result of all this is that space-time has lost its continuity and that space and time have quanta.
The principle that says " you cannot observe anything as it really is, you change everything you observe."