Hello dear Virgos and those with Virgo ascendant, welcome to our January monthly comments. Dear Virgos, we are starting the new year. The Capricorn new moon rose on December 31st. January will also start with these new moon energies. The Sun will be in Capricorn until the 20th. This position of the Sun in the earth group actually seems more positive for you.
There will be a solar eclipse and its effects in your fifth house, which is related to enjoyable issues. There are agendas related to your children. Some romantic issues, your love life, personal initiatives, creative activities, some fun activities, maybe travel plans, holiday organizations may be more on your agenda this month.
With Mars and Pluto facing each other, there may be an uneasy energy in work environments. You may have difficulty getting along with the people you work with during this period. Your energy to notice that the other party is putting certain things in your face seems high. Whoever works next to you or whoever you work for, do not exaggerate the events and situations too much during this period and please do not get into big fights. Do not neglect to take extra care of your health during this period.
Since your ruling planet Mercury will pass into Capricorn on the 8th, it will give you a beautiful energy towards organizing better, being planned, and acting disciplined to design things. You will receive a supportive angle from Mercury in the field of communication, information sharing, commercial activities, social issues. Your energy will also start to rise.
Mercury is your ruling planet. The stronger Mercury is, the stronger and more energetic you become. This month is moving fast. You may feel this more strongly starting from January 8. It seems possible for you to focus on activities in the outside world, to show yourself, and to attract attention.
Mars will continue to retrograde by moving into Cancer. Mars will retrograde in your social circle and friendship house until February. This may bring you back together with some people you have been with in the past, done business with in the past, or have connections with money. In other words, you may have done something in the past, many years have passed; now these people may offer you a job again or you may have the chance to meet these people in various social environments. Be careful about your organizational work, invitations, activities, events, launches, etc. during this period. Because you may spend a lot of money or it may not be as easy as you think to find the return for your expenses.
There is a full moon at 23 degrees Cancer on January 14. It is a full moon that is combined with Mars. Therefore, there are some sensitive energies in this full moon. Mars will be in Cancer. When a retro Mars is combined with a full moon, it can be a bit stressful. You may experience these effects more 3 days before and after January 14.
Individually, you are the groups that are less affected. The leading signs are more affected by this full moon. Check your personal birth charts. You may experience stronger effects, especially if there are planets at or near 23 degrees in Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra.
Be cautious about money and finances. The full moon may cause delays in receiving money, unexpected expenses or stress regarding investments. Similarly, it may create confusion in your love life. It would be beneficial not to approach romantic issues too emotionally.
There is a full moon in these areas in January. An important issue or topic seems to come your way both in work-related matters and in your relationships with people in your social circle. While you want to spend more time on your private life during this period, your energy to spread to different areas or social environment jobs may also tire and strain your connections and relationships with your loved one or your child. I will also recommend that you pay attention to this effect.
The effects of the full moon may continue until the end of the month. Venus will be in Pisces this month and will bring positive effects in the field of relationships. If you are looking for love, you may fall in love this month or solve the problems in your current relationship.
The Sun will move to Aquarius on January 20. This situation will start to affect your business and career. While relationships, romance, children and fun issues are more at the forefront in the early stages of the month, I can say that you will focus on business and professional issues in the last days of the month.
A new moon will rise in Aquarius on January 29. It is receiving a beautiful effect from Jupiter. This new moon may bring some opportunities in business and career. It is a good period for those looking for a job. If you are working, there may be relaxing developments in your work environment.
Especially the positive angle of the sun with Jupiter will cause many desired results to come to you at the end of the month. You will be under good news and lucky influences in your business life. You will see that you used January well.
It may also show improvements in health issues. There may be a relaxation in the comfort of your daily life. Check your personal birth chart. Especially if you have planets in fixed signs, this new moon may be more effective for you.
Dear Virgos, the period until mid-February will be shaped by the effects of this new moon.
Virgo – January 2025 Your Monthly Horoscope ( Summary )