Anthony Edwards - ReYep
guy from ER and Top Gun: Maverick. Man, that guy is so talented, he can act circles around most Hollywood stars. I mean, have you seen him in ER? He made being a doctor look so cool, I almost wanted to go to med school...almost.

And have you seen his new movie Top Gun: Maverick? He's playing Goose's son and let me tell you, he's killing it. He's got that same charm and wit that his dad had, and he's making Tom Cruise look like an old man. But hey, Tom Cruise is always going to look like an old man, right?

But seriously, Anthony Edwards is not just a great actor, he's also a great guy. I mean, have you seen the work he's done for charity? He's been working with various organizations for years, trying to make the world a better place. And he's been doing it all while looking like a Greek god. I mean, have you seen those abs? I think I need to hit the gym more.

So there you have it, folks. Anthony Edwards is not just a great actor, he's also a great guy. And if you ever get the chance to meet him, make sure you tell him that ReYep admin says hi. He'll probably have no idea who I am, but hey, it's worth a shot, right?